EliteGTM Ethics

Fist, diversity and solidarity, support and collaboration, team trust and community in workplace. B.

Our Ethos

Ethical practices and transparency are the cornerstones of our community. This manuscript outlines our commitment to preventing conflicts of interest between community members/ employees of clients. 

Core Principle:

Our platform is founded on the principle of ethical recruitment, fostering a collaborative environment for professionals globally. We prioritise the integrity of the recruitment process to ensure fairness, trust, and transparency. 

Conflict Prevention Measures:

No referrals for a member's own employer

EliteGTM members are strictly prohibited from referring candidates for their own employer to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest.

Our future platform will employ advanced algorithms and checks to identify and prevent such referrals automatically.

Conflict detection

If it does arise the EliteGTM member(s) will be alerted that there is a conflict, and the referral will be halted to maintain the integrity of the process.

Clear policies

Members are provided with a clear and concise code of conduct outlining the prohibition of referring candidates to their own employers. Outlined in the contracts each member has signed on joining.

Violations of this policy may result in the suspension or removal of the member from the EliteGTM Community.

Continuous Improvement:

Feedback Mechanism

We value feedback from our community, clients, and candidates to continually enhance our conflict prevention measures.

Regular reviews and updates to our systems ensure the highest standards of ethical recruitment.


Transparency in Decisions

Maintaining transparency in actions and decisions, particularly in the referral selection process and advisory recommendations, to ensure clients are well-informed, trusting both the integrity and fairness of our procedures.

Client trust

Upholding ethical standards reinforces trust with clients, ensuring they have confidence in the referral process and the integrity of our community.

By adhering to these ethical guidelines, EliteGTM aims to create a fair and trustworthy ecosystem for all its members. We appreciate your commitment to ethical recruitment practices, and together, we can redefine the industry standards